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Showing posts from January, 2018

some tensorFlow

some TensorFlow and DeepLearning(NN) ..   Neural Network: - a single neuron - input -> [neuron] -> output - now we have multiple inputs -  1.   Declaring Constants . x1 =  tf.constant ([1,2,3,4]) x1 = tf.constant([2,3,4,5]) now once you have defined constants you want to do some operations on them. result = tf.multiply(x1, x2) you can also do simply result = x1*x2, but the above one is the way to do it. now you want to print the result we get the output. <tf.Tensor 'Mul:0' shape=(4,) dtype=int32> ,this is not we wanted this is just some Tensor object, but we want the result for that what we need to do is create a tensorflow session and run the above code in the session, in tensorflow everything is apart of graph kind of thing and to access anything you need to run that in a session. sess = tf.Session() op = print(op) sess.close() the above code can also be written as below with tf.Session() as sess:   ...

some Qlikview

Qlikview .. 1. Hide field: tag Fields field1 , field2 with '$hidden'; the above script is used when you don't want to show that field selection in current selection box.  to hide a field from everywhere (except the data model viewer) use  SET  HidePrefix = '_' ; (here instead of underscore we can use any character) and then prefix the field name with that character. e.g. field1 as _field1. this field will also not show in current selection and will come under system fields and you can see them by going into any window where you can write expression and check show system fields. Same thing you need to do if you want to show system variables. 2. EDX Trigger: echo off " server location\QvEDXTrigger.exe " -t="<file name>.qvw" -v >  server location \d$\Qlikview_Job_Log\<log file name to be generated>.txt this is the triggering i used , don't remember how , search google for proper understanding. ...